Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Duchy Originals from Waitrose - Old Ruby Ale 1905

Duchy Originals was set up in 1990 by Charles, Prince of Wales and is a brand of organic foods sold mainly in the UK. Fortunately for me they do export some products and a kind friend picked my up the fine bottle of Organic Ruby Ale.

Pours clear copper/ruby red. Light carbonation, in tradition with British ales, only gives a slight, off white head. The aroma is slight with notes of malt and caramel and hints of fruit and orange.

The flavor is rather mild and clean with a good balance of malt and bitterness. Some fruity esters and slight yeast tang. Notes of pear and cherries and an earthy hop flavor.

Mouthfeel is medium to med-light. Light British style carbonation creates a silkiness on the palette.

Overall impressions is a quality ale. Well made and clean ale with balance of flavors and esters making it very drinkable. This is a good introductory ale for those North Americans looking to experience British ale.


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